21 May 2003
Year: 2003
Price: 10.00

A new development in photoinitiators' technology is the availability of difunctional derivatives. Due to their chemical structure, these photoinitiators combine reactivity similar and in some cases better than the monomeric ones with the solution of the unwanted characteristics of conventional products, such as the migratability and release of smelling volatile compounds. Two products have been developed one for clear coatings, mainly acting by Type I mechanism and one designed for pigmented inks acting mainly by Type II mechanism. Both photoinitiators compare well with the monomeric ones used for the same application, moreover they do not migrate from the cured formulations and they do not release any significant odour.

2003 Conference Difunctional Photoinitiators
Author: M. Visconti And M. Cattaneo | 10 pages

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