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in this study, the influence of UV light intensity (Irradiance, lo) from different UV irradiators was
evaluated with respect to the depth profile (Cd) of double bond conversion in acrylate based
formulations. The UV irradiators evaluated in this study include conventional arc lamps, fluorescent
lamps and microwave powered lamps. The investigation was performed at a constant UV dose
(delivered photo energy) in order to compare the "curing efficiencies" between the irradiators after
delivering equal amounts of photons, but in a very different time scale. At low light intensity
conditions, increasing the total dose does not reduce the oxygen inhibition seen at the surface of the exposed film. The purpose of the study was simply to define conditions for optimization and also to give predictions for control of physical properties of the photopolymerized films. All
photopolymerizations were carried out in air using the single laminate condition at various film
thickness 1.2]. Degrees of C=C conversion were obtained by the use of FTIR.

2003 Conference Direct Comparisons Between High And Low UV Intensity Irradiation On Acrylate Double Bond Conversion
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