3 May 1995
Year: 1995
Price: 10.00

When using low-energy electron beam equipments a three-dimensional determination
of dose distribution is a must for reproducible production procedures.

The short range of such electrons leads to a considerable alteration in the absorbed dose
with the penetration depth. One useful dosimeter is polyvinyl butyral (PVB) with
pararosaniline cyanide which colours on irradiation fig. 1). This is a very thin film
(approx. 20 um) with a good resolution for measurements with low energy electrons.
However, relative large thickness variations may occur (+/- 2 - 3 um or +/- 10  - 15 %).
Dose reading errors of the same order of magnitude may be a concequence.

In co-operation with Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, and Beiersdorf AG, Germany [1],
a special dosimeter film and measuring procedure has been developped. The system utilizes
an extra colour of the dosimeter film which is not changed by irradiation, but which is
used to determine the thickness.

1995 Conference Dosimeter Reader For Very Thin Dosimeter Foils
Author: P. Holl | 5 pages

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