1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00


Electron beam equipment manufacturers have endured a business slowdown
similar to that experienced by capital equipment manufacturers in general as a
result of the world wide economic recession. The unhealthy economic climate
caused potential users to defer their equipment purchases and suppressed the
anticipated increase in new installations. Nonetheless, new installations have
continued at a steady, if not exciting, pace providing some reason for cautious
optimism toward future growth of the industry.

In the two year period spanning RadTech Europe '91 and Radlech Europe '93, we
see trends indicating continuing interest in particular applications. Looking at
RPC's supply record, one-third of the new installations are dryers for web offset
lithographic printing, one installation is for curing coatings on large wood panels,
and the remainder are divided evenly between plastic film crosslinking, curing
silicone coatings and "others".

Many of the processors supplied in this period have not required pcrformancç
breakthroughs and the emphasis has been on improving reliability and
maintainability. Exceptions to this are the development of higher performance
inerting systems and higher processing capacity for high speed siliconizing and
web offset printing.

1993 Conference Electron Beam Technology: Responding To Industry Needs
Author: Dr. D.A. Meskan | 9 pages

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