16 May 2001
Year: 2001
Price: 10.00

Quenching of imidazoyl radical (Im ) formed in photoinitiator systems comprising an aminostyryl dye and a radical generating reagent by a 2-mercaptobenzothiazole(MBT): radical generating reagent;
2,2'-bis(2-chlorophenyl)-4,4',5,5'-tetraphenyi-l, I '-bi-IH-imidazole (BI) in a poly(methyl methacrylate) film has been investigated by laser flash photolysis using a total reflection cell.

2001 Conference Enhancement Mechanisms Of Photointiation Systems As Incorporating Chemical Additives As Accelerators
Author: 2001 Conference Enhancement Mechanisms Of Photointiation Systems As Incorporating Chemical Additives As Accelerators | 6 pages

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