2 May 1995
Year: 1995
Price: 10.00

The Ultra Violet curing industry has witnessed dramatic growth over the past 10
years due to advances in equipment technology, ink / coating / adhesive
technology and the introduction of new industrial processes. prime reason
is the requirement world-wide to reduce VOC's from the environment and improve
both, living and working conditions of everyone.

However, it is important to realise that although solvents are eliminated in the UV
process, there are Health and Safety issues related to the process and the UV
equipment which must be understood by all involved parties. Some of these issues
relate to the chemical structure of the inks I coatings I adhesives, and because of
their specialist nature are best handled by consultation with the manufacturers of
these chemical products.

As with the chemical suppliers, UV equipment suppliers are aware of the Health
and Safety issues related to their specific field of operation, and design their
equipment not only to suit the application, but also to ensure the equipment is safe
to operate and is safe for all personnel within the equipment vicinity.

1995 Conference Equipment Health And Safety – As Addressed By An Equipment Manufacturer
Author: R. Denney | 9 pages

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