2 May 1995
Year: 1995
Price: 10.00

UV & EB technologies are today recognised, common and proven processes in a variety of industrial

This article is an update of a previous paper describing radiation curing equipment (1).

The technology has developed to this stage over the last 25-30 years, primarily driven by environmental
and economical advantages it provides relative to conventional drying methods:

• No solvent emission                     - 100% solid chemistries
• Energy efficient                            - Cost of operation
• Fast drying                                   - high production speeds
• Improved product characteristics - unique products
• Compact machine design             - reduced space requirements

As the capital investment in EB is 2-10 times higher than that of UV , the two technologies rarely compete
with each other and it is clear that there is a lot more UV lamps around than EB systems.

New UV applications constantly appear. Several applications that few years ago were out of consideration
with UV has been developed. This is the result of the economic incentives for the enduser, which chemical
suppliers and equipment manufacturers in cooperation respond to.

1995 Conference Equipment Update: Ultraviolet & Electron Beam
Author: K. Efsen | 8 pages

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