3 May 1997
Year: 1997
Price: 10.00

Legal regulations demand a new orientation in the print and lacquer industry.
While in the past only physical curing systems with organic solvents were used,
there is a great interest nowadays in alternatives, like waterbased systems or radiation
curable (UV/EB) inks and varnishes.

Beside many advantages the different alternative methods offer different disadvan
tages and cannot be used in every application field.
In the range of UV-curing characteristic is the high print quality. Beside the typical
'smell' of the UV-cured printed substrates, mainly the high temparature stress of
the UV-lamps onto substrate and press is a criterion for a negative attitude to the
UV technology. Many different solutions exist to decrease the high temperature,
for instance the use of dichroitic mirrors, cooled reflectors, air blowing. But the
high IR-radiation of the UV curing systems is only partly reduced. Excimer UVlamps
are a new, real cold alternative.

1997 Conference Excimer Uv-Lamps For Matting And Cold Curing
Author: Dr. A. Roth | 5 pages

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