15 May 2001
Year: 2001
Price: 10.00

Innovative ideas may result from assiduous individual brainwork but mostly emerge from the organized or incidental exchange of thoughts between individuals with expertise in specific fields. Such a synergistic idea generation approach promises highest return in a world where specialization often comes with estrangement even from related subjects. In a company covering a wide range of R&D activities synergies are usually sought and identified in a formalized way. Technology developments responding to new market needs, however, require, as a rule, joint efforts by industrial partners specialized in complementary technology branches. The proceeding here is less conceivable and predictable than within internal innovation processes. The development of UV curing technologies has been largely driven by joint efforts of all its stakeholders including raw material manufacturers, formulators, equipment manufacturers and end users as well as university researchers and consultants. Focus Groups established within the RadTech organization are good examples of partnerships facilitating such endeavors. This has been demonstrated by successful work in the UV powder and automotive area.

2001 Conference From Chemistry To Radiation Curing Solutions – Innovative
Author: L. Misev And G. Berner | 6 pages

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