3 May 1997
Year: 1997
Price: 10.00

Radiation curing is a part of the screenpnnting technology since more than 50 years in
that sense that jet air or other infrared systems belong in a certain sense, if we refer to
the Maxwell scale, to "radiation" curing.

At the begining of the sixties some research has been done in "electron beam" (EB) and
later, in the seventies, in radio-frequencies.
The only "pure" radiation curing system which became really popular in our technology
are the UV curing systems.

And we can say that the UV systems - widely accepted and used all over the world -
paradoxically remain the vanguard of the new techniques in screen-printing.
Paradoxically because UV inks systems have been on the market for 20 years - and
they have been used in my workshop for more than 18 years after we finicked this new
technology with Jean-Pierre Vivès, and that is all we use.

Choosing UV inks is now a quasi-obligation because, as I have been saying since 1975,
the pressure from the measures for the protection of the environment internal and
external to the workshop (health, safety and environment) has become extremely strong;
the solvent-based systems can be used of course, but it is now absolutely forbidden, in
many countries, to throw away any type of solvent inside or outside of the workshop.
The only difficulty which remains with UV systems is: a perfect control of the thickness
of the ink coat for commercial (or economic) and technical purposes, then requirements.

1997 Conference Graphic & Industrial High-Tech Screenprinting With Uv Curing
Author: M. Caza | 6 pages

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