25 May 2005
Year: 2005
Price: 10.00

The consumer's point of view... The only thing the consumer can rely on is the information given by the manufacturer (or the salesman). But unless that information is comparable to something, it will be of little real value. So how can we give the consumer reliable and comparable information? Norms and labels should give the consumer the necessary confidence in the product... In order to come up with a product norm, one needs to decide on what properties we want to evaluate, what method of measurement is going to be used, and finally what result is acceptable. The creation of product-norms is therefore in many cases a long process, which in most cases ends in a compromise to allow the majority of participants to finally agree. International norms for coatings on prefinished wood floorings... Although it is clear that there are a lot of national methods to measure certain performances of coatings, only few will give indications of the minimum values to be reached in order to be a 'good' coating. And even fewer will also give a list of properties and minimum values (that all should be Ok), in order to be a 'good' coating. This of course, is exactly what the consumer is looking for...

2005 Conference Hard or Flexible Coatings: Influence on Measured Performances
Author: K. Bisbruck | 8 pages

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