2 May 2012
Year: 2012
Price: 10.00

The issue of environmental protection has grown in importanáe over the last 30
years. Stricter controls and standards have been set, which have added a new
dimension to business. Resources have been directed towards pollution control and
prevention rather than just clean-up, effecting not only management, but also
product development and promotion. Environmental costs have increasingly come
into account and businesses like coatings, inks and adhesives have begun to
realise that good environmental performance can contribute to maintaining a
competitive edge in the market place. The competent Authorities around the world
have grasped this concept and all agree to state that a clean environment is not
only a precondition for sustainable development, but it is also essential to achieve
prosperity and success in the world market. Economic growth and environmental
protection are not incompatible but rather components of the same goal: a safe and
secure future.

The paper addresses some of the key environmental issues for RadCure products
and other coatings which are currently being addressed by the European EPA (Enforcement
of the 7th Amendment of Council Directive 67/548/EEC, Existing Chemicals
Program, Risk Assessment Directive, OECD polymer definition and current
regulatory developments, e.g. further extension of EC Directive 90/128 governing
food contact applications, environmental labelling). Some issues which need to be
looked at from a global prospective will also be reviewed.

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