14 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

To reach high matting grades on radiation curable lacquer films it is traditionally necessary to add high amounts of mailing agencies into the lacquer formulation. Disadvantageous, these will also influence the physical properties of the lacquer and its applicability and can cause inhomogeneous matting. High mailing grades without any matting additives can be achieved by just irradiating the wet lacquer film surfaces with an excimer lamp of the wavelength 172 nm before the curing step (UV or eb) .The small penetration depth of these photons into the lacquer film and their high energy will cause a fast polymensation in a thin surface layer and a microscopic shrinkage of the surface producing the matting character. The paper presents the advantages of this new physical matting method and shows experimental results.

1999 Conference High Matting Without Matting Additives
Author: Dr. A. Roth | 4 pages

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