24 May 2005
Year: 2005
Price: 10.00

The importance of low emission coating using light curing, has been increase, due to the VOC
reduction demands, but these is a number of reasons for use and non ignore any more the UV curing technology for industrial coating procedures. All industry are being pushed by intense efforts to limit de emission of volatile organic (VOC 's ) as stipulated in the EU VOC Directive.
The use of high solids coatings represents and profitable approach in these direction especially on 100% solids contents formulation. UV radiation curing technology has a number of unique advantages in terms of its speed of cure, non solvents content, less heating-up of the substrate and economy, thanks to shorter curing time, shorter plants, more productivity and less energy cost. The adoption of UV curing by the industry (automobile, transport, appliances and building products) has been increase over the past ten years. Applications in instruments boards panels ,head lenses, reflectors ,screen printing , transmissions axels , pumps and gear units are state-of-the-art today. But more new applications on flat or the three dimensional parts on several different plastics and metals substrates (ABS, PP,aluminium,HDG,etc...) will be complete at present the variety of UV Technology suspect to be coated in industrial field. To resume the polymerisation of multifunctional monomers and oligomers by UV curing , has becomea well  accepted technology which has found many industrial applications .Due to the low environmental impacts it is considered the most effective way to transform a solvent free liquid into a solid polymer instantly at low temperature (close to room temperature values)

2005 Conference Innovative Developments in UV Pigmented Low Viscosity (100% Solids) for Automotive and Metal Coating Industry
Author: J. Amigo | 8 pages

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