20 October 2021
Year: 2021
Price: 50.00

A general overview of the industry covering all disciplines.
Each session will give the basics and some details that can be used for reference.

Introduction to the Radiation Curing Industry 2021
Author: David Helsby | 5 pages
Market Value Chain
Author: Paul Kelly | 10 pages
Application and End Products
Author: David Helsby | 17 pages
Raw Material Supply Chain
Author: David Helsby | 10 pages
Just the Basics Energy Curable Chemistry
Author: David Helsby | 24 pages
Formulation of UV/EB curable Products
Author: David Helsby | 24 pages
UV lamp systems
Author: Dawn Skinner | 21 pages
EB Electron Beam Curing
Author: David Helsby | 7 pages
Processing Considerations of UV/EB curable products
Author: David Helsby | 11 pages

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