16 May 2001
Year: 2001
Price: 10.00

Thiol-ene photopolyrnerization technology has been known for mans' years and has been the subject of much 13 since the polymerization mechanism was first proposed by 4 in 1938. Despite their promise as photopolymerizable materials for coatings , this market has been dominated by acrylate photopolymerizations. More recently, there has been a renewed interest in thiol-ene 6 ° as they are environmentally more than their acrylic counterparts and the polymerization occurs readily in the presence of oxygen Thiol-ene photopolymerizations are photoinitiated reactions that proceed via a step growth radical addition . They are typically initiated using benzophenone as a photosensitizer; however the polymerization can also be initiated with any cleavage type phbtoinitiator, maleimides, or without the use of an added. When a thiol-acrylate system is polymerized, a competition exists between chain growth homopolymerization of the acrylate and the step growth mechanism of the traditional thiol-ene polymerization. Whether the propagation mechanism is dominated by step growth or chain growth has a dramatic effect on the polymer network structure, the thiol and ene functional group conversions, and the material properties.

2001 Conference Kinetics Of Thiol-Ene And Thiol-Acrylate Photopólymerizations
Author: N.B. Cramer And C.N. Bowman | 6 pages

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