24 May 2005
Year: 2005
Price: 10.00

The effects of globalization are of such a nature that they exert increasing pressures on companies to develop new products more effectively and efficiently. In order to meet this challenge, the organisation of the new product development process has received ample attention both in the academic literature and in the practitioner literature. As a consequence, a myriad of methods to design new products better, faster and cheaper has been developed. These methods aim at facilitating concurrent product design and engineering, integrating both organizational and functional aspects of the design process so as to maximize value creation. Thanks to the advent of families of novel design technologies, concurrency at the technical and functional level has become a reality at last. In this contribution, recent insights on the use and the impact of design technologies in meeting economic challenges and pressures are reported and discussed.

2005 Conference Managing Research and Technology Towards Economic Value Maximization
Author: K. Debackere | 8 pages

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