7 June 1989
Year: 1989
Price: 10.00

The formulation of matt UV-curing coatings using modern matting agents is problematic primarily because of the high-solids nature of these systems. However, it has been shown that through careful formulation, UV-curing lacquers exhibiting good matting characteristics can be achieved. Although in such formulations the surface-treated micronised porous silicas of
low particle size give good matting a demand still exists for matting agents of higher matting efficiency and lower thickening effect than the products already available on the market.
As part of a continuous effort to develop new matting agents for UV-curing systems products having alternative surface treatments and very narrow particle size ranges were checked in typical formulations. The results indicate that new surface treatments offer some possibilities for improving matting efficiency and reducing thickenening effect of modern matting agents.
In contrast little improvement was achieved through changes in particle size distribution.

Author: D.J. Kent | 12 pages

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