24 May 2005
Year: 2005
Price: 10.00

Solvent-free pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) technology is a relatively new generation of industrial technology that allows the manufacture of a new class of self-adhesive technical and medical products. This paper describes the production of solvent-free acrylic PSAs (A-PSAs) with excellent performances and a good balance between adhesive and cohesive strengths. This paper describes new developments in the area of solvent-free technology and presents a wide palette of A-PSAs synthesized on an industrial scale. PSAs act, for example, as extruder adhesives or UV-polymerized adhesives which, through their viscoelastic fluid state, can build a joint without needing to change this flow state during or after application.

2005 Conference New Trends in the Development of Solvent Free Acrylic PSA Systems
Author: R. Milker | 12 pages

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