3 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

Radiation-curable materials are primarily used in a limited number of "traditional" applications, the most  important applications areas being graphic arts, wood coatings, adhesives, and electronics. In these applications, full use is made of the specific advantages of radiation-curable materials, which include the high production speed and the little space and energy requirements. Within these application areas, radiation-curable materials have succesfully defied new demands in the areas of health and safety, price and, last but not least, product quality.

In principle, all these new, material-related improvements have made radiation-curable materials suitable for all sorts of other applications. In this paper, a number of novel application areas will be presented, which have been developed or are in the process of being developed within the TNO Institute of Industrial Technology.

The first one deals with the use of UV- or y-cured matrix systems for the controlled release of insect pheromones. Pheromone dispensers can be readily prepared using this technique and show excellent flexibility in use [1]. Dispensers that act against the Mediterranean fruit fly are currently commercially produced.

The second one deals with the use of UV-curable materials in coatings applied to plastic parts during injection moulding. The transfer of the coating from the mould to the part with all its adhesion aspects is the true challenge here [2].

The third application deals with low-temperature curable powder coatings. Although this can hardly be considered as a novel application anymore, the approach used is completely different from what has been published and presented elsewhere [3].

1999 Conference Novel Application Opportunities For Radiation-Curable Materials
Author: B. de Ruiter | 9 pages

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