15 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

Dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers have received considerable attention during the recent
years. Theoretically the concept of highly branched polymers was initially proposed in the early
1940's by Flory and Stockmayer, but ittook until 1980 -1990 before the first synthesis of
dendrimers was presented by the research groups of Tomalia, Vogtle, Webster, Frechet and
others. Today there is an exploding amount of activity in this field. It has been estimated that
more than 40 types of dendnmer families with more than 100 different functionalities have been
reported, and at least 120 research groups are world-wide working with dendrimers today. More
than 2000 publications and patents, over 350 papers in 1997 alone, have appeared in the
literature, and this is still growing.

1999 Conference Novel Dendritic Polyesters For Rad-Cure Applications
Author: M. Skrifvars And J. Tulisalo | 4 pages

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