25 April 1991
Year: 1991
Price: 10.00


Lightwave data transfer based on fibre optics is an almost mature
technology, which enabled an increasing effiency of telecommunication
within last decade. As thetechnology grows in use so does the demand
for reliability and economical fibre production

Contrary to LAN's and related applications — where fibres are embedded
in a polymer matrix forming ribbons — bundles of discreet fibres
are used in the field of telecommunication overlong distances.
The fibres 'can be chosen from a wide range of types. The
most common configuration'is a core of silica, doped with oxides
of GeorPto raise the refractive index, a cladding of pure sili-
ca and an organic coating .which usually consists of two layers.

The fibre surface is protected by an on—line coating process
immediately after it has drawn from a preform. The liquid coating
which has been filtered over a.l um filter is applied with fibre
drawing speeds > 5 m/s and a viscosity in the order of lPa*s

1991 Conference Novel Urethane-Acrylates For Optical Fibre Coatings With
Author: Dr H. Hintze-Bruning and Dr S. Schunck | 15 pages

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