1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00


The term "curing" has been defined as "The use of electron beam or ultraviolet radiation as
an energy source to induce the rapid conversion of especially formulated 100 % reactive
liquids to solids"

Multifunctional acrylates are widely used in radiation curable formulations and as crosslinking
agents in industrial curing applications.
In contrast to UV-initiated curing, where the Iigth quantum is absorbed bythe chromophoric
site of the photoinitiator, fast electrons lose their energy by coulomb interaction with the '
bulk material.

Usually several reaction steps are preceeding the formation of radicals or ions which start
the polymerization or form active sites for crosslinking. Electron pulse radiolysis is an
effective tool to directly observe. transients which Scan be characterized by their optical,
absorption or emission spectra and their lifetimes. From the time profiles of the transient
spectra information can be deducedon the nature of the transients,their participation in a
chemical reaction and their kinetic characteristics.

1993 Conference On The Mechanism Of The Electron-Initiated Curing
Author: R. Mehnert and W. Knolle | 16 pages

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