15 October 2017
Year: 2017
Price: 10.00

Water based UV Curing has come a long way from its early days in the 1970-80’s when rudimentary systems were first developed for inks and coatings. Today, water based UV products are much more efficient although there is still a lack of suitable photoinitiators that have good water solubility and in many cases formulating can be a frustrating business. Digital technology has added a further spur to water based UV and present estimates of the market is that water based UV is growing at 6-7% per annum and rising. Here, we will look at both oil and water soluble photoinitiators that are presently used in these WB products, more recent developments in such photoinitiators and at problem areas that might be addressed in the future, perhaps giving another impetus to water based UV curing.

Photoinitiators for Water Based UV Curing. Sink or Swim?
Author: W. A. Green | 18 pages

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