14 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

The surface of polystyrene was modified by the introduction of CN groups. The modification was achieved by irradiating the polymer with UV light (254 nm) in the presence of gaseous cyanogen bromide (BrCN). FTIR showed that CN groups were covalently bound to the polymer surface after irradiation. Quantitative XPS analysis revealed that upon prolonged irradiation every second monomer unit was modified with a CN group. In polymer-analogous reactions employing 0/DMSO, the CN groups introduced were ?onverted into amides and carboxylic acids. The progress of the hydrolysis reaction was monitored by means of ATR-FTIR. Summing up, it was demonstrated that photochemical techniques can be applied to attach specific functional groups onto polymer surfaces.

1999 Conference Photomodification Of Polymer Surfaces: Introduction Of CN Groups
Author: U. Meyer, E.-M. Hoiser, W. Kern, M.F. Ebel and R. Svagera | 6 pages

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