14 June 2007
Year: 2007
Price: 10.00

Today, multifunctionality in a coating is essential; in fact coatings do not only provide a certain protection towards the environment or optical appearance to a surface, but  they should also provide additional functions the environment or optical appearence to a surface, but they should provide additional functions as low abrasion, high chemical and thermail stability, high impact ristance, high adhesive properties to the substrate, easy processability under environmental favourable conditions, and of course, low or at least reasonable costs.

2007 Conference Preparation and Characterization of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Nanostructured UV-Cured Coatings
Author: M. Sangermano, E. Amerio, G. Malucelli, R. Bongiovanni, A. Priola | 6 pages

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