1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00


To achieve optimum material properties, flexible composites consist ofcombinations of very thin
films. In the field of packaging, the special requirements include properties such as transparency,
oxygen and water vapour barriers, printability, mechanical and chemical resistance, thermal stability.
These properties can be obtained by an expert combination of different materials. Printing and
laminating are production methods which have been developed overseveral decades and now
provide a high level of quality. However, the use of solvents and existing legislation called
existing technologies into question. The research project presented in this paper was started to
rework the flexoprinting process as a basic system. The most important features such as printing
and laminating in an in-line process with immediate cure and avoiding exhaust cleaning equipment
for solvents had to be defined. In addition, we worked out the consequences for food packaging
considering national and international regulations for food packaging materials.

1993 Conference Printing And Laminating Of Flexible Films By Using Ijv Light-Curing
Author: Dr G. Bolte | 25 pages

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