3 May 1997
Year: 1997
Price: 10.00

In the field of vegetable materials and of the use of radiation process: Cobalt 60, UV
or EB, a lot of patents or scientific papers have been published on the possibilities to
access at new materials with better properties than the ones of the raw natural
products. Some examples will be explained.

Most of the published studies were mainly dealing with starches and vegetables oils.
Our work was focused on the possibilities of using and valorizing an industrial pea
protein isolate.

New formulations based on the use of UV-EB radiation curable plasticizer like
hydroxy ethyl acrylate (HEA) have allowed to demonstrate the potentialities of pea
protein isolate associated to HEA to prepare films or varnishes with the same
properties than the ones obtained in using usual, no reactive plasticizer: ethyl glycol.

After the UV or EB curing at low doses of these films or varnishes, some interesting
characteristics related to a crosslinking effect can be obtained:
o an increas of the mechanical properties;
o a reasonable hydrophobic character;
o a resistance against hot water;
o a conservation of water vapor permeability.

1997 Conference Radiation Curable Formulations From Vegetable Proteins
Author: P. Noireaux and J. Gueguen | 8 pages

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