1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00


Powder coating is no coating area like printing ink, house paint, marine coating or car
paint. It is a Technology like Radiation Curing. Such Coating Technology can enter all
fields where they can offer advantages to existing Coating Technologies. The
advantage can be for instance:


The combination of Technology like Radiation Curing with Powder Coating will offer
many new possibilities. Powder Coating one of the most harmless Coating
Technologies has the weakness that there is the requirement of relative high curing
temperature for nice flow and rapid curing. The combination to Radiation Curing can
now offer the advantage of rapid curing with comparable low temperature.
Radiation Curing can not only increase the curing speed it can open new coating
areas for the powder Coating Technology. This means, especially the areas where the
substrate has not the heat stability which is necessary for curing of standard Powder
Coating. Examples are - wood or plastic or construction elements which are sensitive
to high temperatures. This paper reports about two different ways for Radiation
Curing of Powder Coating. There is the radical initiated Polymerization which is
already reported in some licenses (l;ll;lll) and the cationic initiated Polymerization
which is a new possibility. Both technologies have advantages and disadvantages.
The radical initiated Polymerization can offer high performance coating, if we are able
to develop the resins which fulfil the requirements and parameters for Powder
Coating. With the càtionic initiated Polymerization we have a possibility to use existing
solid epoxy resins. As we will show this way offers us all advantages but also
disadvantages of epoxy coatings. Perhaps this technology is a good starting point for
Powder Coating of MDF-plates and Wood or as a primer for plastic.

1993 Conference Radiation Curing Of Powder Coating
Author: Dr M. Wittig and T. Gohmann | 13 pages

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