10 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

The natural beauty and timeless elegance of wooden surfaces give them a special place in modern interior design. To meet the high performance requirements, wood must be coated with a protective finish. Radiation-curing systems, which are environmentally sound, save energy and emit virtually novolatile compounds, are increasingly being chosen as an alternative to traditional, solvent-based finishes. At present and in the future changes in wood coatings technologies will take place in industrialized countries. The change is created by increased requirements concerning the surface qualityand tighter regulations on environmental issues in all sectors of production and application of coa-tings. Special requirements must be fulfilled by furniture coatings since their surfaces have to beodourless and free of any long-term emittable substances.

1999 Conference Radiation Curing Of Wood Coatings
Author: H.H. Bankowsky, P. Enenkel, M. Lokai and K. Menzel | 12 pages

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