25 May 2005
Year: 2005
Price: 10.00

Coatings and inks play an indispensable role in our modern world and cover many things we use. Whereas coatings and paints stand mainly for protection, printing inks for information and decoration and colours for expression. Although REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of wish to ensure that harmonised, accurate information is communicated, the chemical and converting industry have big concerns. These are

- Bureaucracy, Complexity and Costs,
- Loss of choice in Raw Materials,
- Confidentiality and Intellectual Property,
- International Trade and Competitiveness.

In this presentation we shall not discuss details about Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of chemicals. But we will explain that data obtained from the graphic arts industry, provided by the European funded UVITECH project, may give some answers to the aims of Reach.

2005 Conference REACH - Exposure Scenarios (Categories versus UVITECH Data)
Author: L. Nuijten | 8 pages

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