10 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

Styrenic block copolymers (SBC) are widely used in a variety of pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) applications both in tapes and labels. The most commonly used styrenic block copolymers for adhesive applications are tn-blocks containing an elastomenc mid-block and thermoplastic end-blocks. They are obtained via an ionic polymerization and are available in a non-hydrogenated (SIS, SBS) and in a hydrogenated form (SEBS, SEPS). Hydrogenated SBC's show superior heat and light stability.

At room temperature, these block copolymers exhibit physical crosslinking arising from microphase separation of the polystyrene (PS) end-blocks which makes them thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). However, because of their thermoplastic character, SBC based adhesives are unsuitable for use in PSA's which must withstand aromatic solvents or exposure to highservice temperatures, i.e., temperatures near or above the glass transition temperature of the PS end-blocks (i.e. around 100°C).

Two products have been developed that overcome these weaknesses of KRATON polymers, while maintaining their processing ease (hot-melt or warm melt processing) and excellent adhesive properties on various substrates ranging from stainless steel to polyolefins. These products are KRATON D-KX222C and KRATON LIQUID Polymers. Both developments use radiation curing to yield highly performing adhesives. Radiation can either be Ultra-Violetlight (UV) or Electron-Beam (EB). However, UV curing of the KRATON Polymers has been primarily illustrated over the last years. So, it is our aim in this work to detail the possibilities offered by EB.

1999 Conference Rubber-Based Radiation Curable Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Author: M. Dupont, M. Masse and J. Schneider | 8 pages

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