16 May 2001
Year: 2001
Price: 10.00

Radiation curing including ultra-violet (UV) and electron beam (EB) curing technology is now being increasingly used in various sectors of applications, mainly in the coating industry, graphic arts, and microelectronics, replacing conventional thermally cured solvent-based coatings, inks and adhesives. This is due to their distinct advantages, such as fast cure speed, room temperature operation, VOC minimization, and high-quality end products, that is, 4E characteristics, less-Energy
consumptive, Ecological, Economic, and Excellent finishing. The increasing use of curable materials for coatings, inks, and adhesives provides an incentive for the development of new varieties of oligomers, multifunctional comonomers, and photoinitiators.
This report summarizes the trends in marketing and technology for UV/EB curing including equipment, chemistry, and formulated products in Asia.

2001 Conference Status And Progress Of Radiation Curing In Asia
Author: W.-F. Shi | 8 pages

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