2 May 1995
Year: 1995
Price: 10.00

In 1991 this writer chaired a study conducted by members of RadTech tnternational
North America to assess the markets forUV and EB curable products. The study
involved a representative cross section of end users and suppliers of equipment,
products and services. This current update has utilized a modified "Delphi" technique
with the input of over 30 industry participants who have shared their expertise and
experience during four rounds of questions. After every round each participant has
compared his/her impressions with those of others and then had the opportunity of
adjusting their own estimate or "holding fast." The result is a consensus of opinion
which we think fairly represents the reality of the current use status and a reasonable
projection of the growth and opportunities ahead.

1995 Conference Status Of Uv/Eb Curing In North America - 1995
Author: K. Lawson | 11 pages

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