14 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

UV-curable powder coatings have recently been developed which are likely to expand the market
for powder coatings into areas traditionally dominated by other technologies, such as solventbased, and liquid uv-coatings. As uv-curable powder coatings need thermal energy only to melt the powder and enable flow to take place, much less heating is required than in conventional
powder coatings, where prolonged heating at higher temperatures is needed to bring about the
crosslinking reaction. Use of uv-curable powder is therefore possible on temperature-sensitive
substrates, such as plastics, medium density fibreboard (MDF) and pre-assembled articles, such
as motors and gearboxes. Where floor space is at a premium, uv-curable powder coatings offer
an attractive alternative to conventional powder coatings, which need comparatively large ovens.
To date only limited information on the formulation of uv-powder coatings is available; principally
on the subjects of , 3 and pigments and light . In order to help promote this rapidly growing technology, a study was made of some of the key components of uvpowder formulations: particularly with regard to the photoinitiators and to different titanium dioxide pigments to show the influence on the optical, mechanical and chemical properties.

1999 Conference The Formulation Of UV-Curable Powder Coatings
Author: J. Bender, H. Laver, K. Lehmann, R. Margraf and O. Schmid | 7 pages

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