1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00


Radiation processing is the technology of creating desirable
and useful changes (reactions) in the structure and
properties of materials by treatment with ionizing radiation.
It involves the application of man-made or natural sources of
high energy radiation in (large) industrial processes.

This paper will concentrate on the irradiation of plastics/
elastomers in general and more specifically, on the
crosslinking of heat shrink tubing/products (HST/HSP).

Natural gamma radiation from Cobalt-60 (Co-60) sources can be
employed, but E—beams are normally preferred because of their
higher efficiency/speed and consequent economics.
From the ± 500 electron accellerators muse to date, more
than 1/3 rd are for crosslinking of wire, cable and heat
shrink tubing. Also 1/3 rd is for memory-heat shrink products
(films, tubing, shield terminationsandshapes).

Table 1 gives an overview of the number of E-beam units in
use throughout the world (1).

1993 Conference The Importance Of E-Beam Cr0sslinking In The Production Of Heat Shrinkable Products
Author: C.H.M. de Smedt | 28 pages

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