15 October 2019
Year: 2019
Price: 10.00

In this work, a methodology for evaluating the performance of UV curing reactors based
on response surface methodology is applied to an industrial case study: a reactor used in
the production of automotive parts. For developing the methodology, the identification of
the relevant outputs of UV reactors and of their controllable process variables, was done
at a first stage. In the following stage, the selection and/or development of the
experimental procedure needed to get the relevant data was carried out. It was also shown,
via curing experiments, that the conditions in which the cure is carried out affects the
resulting films performance, putting in evidence the relevance of having a model to select
the most adequate set of parameters.

The practical relevance of using a statistical approach for modelling UV curing reactors
Author: João Brandão Coelho, Fehst Componentes Lda, PT | 23 pages

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