3 May 1997
Year: 1997
Price: 10.00

This author has previously reported survey results showing that the use of UV/EB
curable materials has grown at a compound rate of about 1 0% per annum over the
last decade. Together, with about 1 00 members of RadTech International North
America, we have undertaken another survey to update and assess the growth and
the current activities of the industry. The panelists represent a cross section of end
users, raw material and equipment suppliers, as well as formulators and
consultants. Using a modified Delphi process with five separate survey rounds, it is
expected that a reasonable assessment will be made of the advantages,
disadvantages, growth rate and growth opportunities of this exciting technology.
This presentation is based on the first round results of the survey, which will be
completed in the Winter of 1 997-1 998 and presented at RadTech '98 in Chicago.

1997 Conference The Status Of UV/EB Curable Products In North America – 1997
Author: K. Lawson | 8 pages

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