3 May 1997
Year: 1997
Price: 10.00

Many survey indicate that the majority of people perceive the chemical industry as a
threat to the environment. Despite the efforts made to improve our environmental
performance, many people continue to distrust the industry. Although one can find a
number of reasons for less-than-spectacular results, the lack of information has been
recognized as a major c'ause for this public perception problem.

How does this mistrust affect the industry and in particular the RadCure industry:
Environmental groups were viewed as the most trustworthy stewards of the xorld. For
industry, this means a weaker voice in setting the environmental agenda, the need to
deal with "black lists" and an increasing number of legislation and restrictions.

It reduces our ability to discuss public policy and ultimately erodes our freedm to
manage our businesses the way we want. We see an attempt in product bans, a recent
example being the recent proposal from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Markets may be legislated out of existence.

1997 Conference The Value Of Responsible Care And Its Relation To Radiation Cure
Author: P.H. Chatton | 6 pages

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