21 May 2003
Year: 2003
Price: 10.00

Cationic UV coatings frequently contain cycloaliphatic epoxides and polyols. Polyols are generallyused to improve coating flexibility and toughness. A practical limitation when using polyols is that theconcentration of hydroxyl equivalents can not be more than about one half the concentration of epoxideequivalents. Polyol concentrations that are much higher typically result in poor coating properties.To get around this practical formulating limitation it would be helpful to have more flexiblecycloaliphatic epoxides available. Flexible cycloaliphatic epoxides could potentially lessen the dependenceon using polyols to achieve good coating flexibility.New cycloaliphatic epoxide resins were prepared by transesterifying a new cycloaliphatic epoxy ester monomer and polyols (mostly diols) using appropriate catalysts. The new epoxy resins were tested in cationic UV coatings for properties such as cure rate, hardness, and flexibility and the resultsare reported.

2003 Conference Tougher Cycloaliphatic Epoxide Resins
Author: W. Carter and M. Jupina | 8 pages

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