1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00


The popularity of the liquid crystal display (LCD) has been rising
rapidly. This is evidenced by the wide number of applications now using
the technology. These include:
watches and calculators
personal computer display
TV screen
camera / clock
measuring instrument readouts
automotive electronic display panels

This popularity is due to the benefits obtainable in the LCD compared to
other display devices particularly the cathode ray tube (CRT). The
principles are (1):
Flat and Compact. LCDs are lightweight and only a few millimetres
Low Power Consumption. Low electrical current and voltage requirements
allow powering of displays from simple battery sources. The displays
are compatible with modern low-power electronic circuits.
Passive Display. LcDs are light modifiers not light producers. A light
source is needed to operate the display.
Reliable. The displays have a wide operating temperature and long
Flexible Design. The size and layout of the display is relatively
simple to change. Colour displays are possible.
Low Cost. From all aspects, including drive and supply, LCDs are the
most economically produced flat panel display.

The operation of the LCD relies on the electro-optical effect of the
liquid crystal (2). Liquid crystals, as the name suggests, are materials
that combine the properties of both liquids thid solid crystalline
materials. Rather than a melting point they have a temperature range known
as a mesophase within which the molecules are almost liquid while
remaining grouped together in the ordered form of a solid crystal. The
most coimnon liquid crystals are based ron cyano biphenyl organic materials.

1993 Conference Ultra Violet Curable Adhesive Applications On The Liquid Crystal Display
Author: J.M. Dooley | 12 pages

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