7 June 1989
Year: 1989
Price: 10.00

Epoxy—functionalized polydimethylsiloxanes have been developed which, when combined with silicone—miscible iodonium photocatalysts, then coated onto release
liners, function as ultraviolet—light—curable release agents for pressure—
sensitive adhesives. The new UV cure silicone system has proven particularly
useful for premium release applications versus acrylic adhesives, and on plastic
film release liners. Polar modifications of the epoxysilicone molecule alter
the release characteristics of these uv—crosslinked coatings and are a promising
route to controlled release for the uv—cure epoxysilicone system.

1989 Conference Ultraviolet Light Curable Epoxysilicone Paper Release Coatings
Author: Richard P. Eckberg and Karen D. Riding | 14 pages

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