1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00


Ultraviolet (UV) light curable epoxy-functional dimethylsilicone release
coating systems consisting of epoxysilicone polymers plus compatible 'onium
type cationic photocatalysts are well known commercial products whose
properties and performance have been described in numerous patents,
publications, and forums (1-5).

The extension of this UV-cure silicone release technology to broader UVcurable
silicone coating applications remains an important and challenging
research objective. The combination of unique and useful silicone properties
with fast, efficient, oxygen-compatible cationic photocure ought to provide new
UV-curable materials useful for a host of applications, but flexible elastomeric
cured silicones which are required for uses other than release coatings have
been unattainable from, conventional epoxy-silicone UV-cure systems.

Epoxysilicones developed for release coatings are of necessity low viscosity,
relatively low molecular weight polydimethylsiloxanes which are sufficiently
rich,in polar cycloaliphatic epoxyfunctionalityto render them miscible with
lodonium photocatalysts and to provide very fast photocure response. Nonfunctional
silicone fluids are incompatible with 'onium-type cationic
photocatalysts, even those lad onium salts specifically designed for epoxysilicone

1993 Conference Ultraviolet Light Curable Epoxysilicone-Polyether Block Copolymers
Author: R.P. Eckberg | 25 pages

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