14 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

The significance of radiation curing as a basis of almost emission-free coating and printing
procedures has been rapidly growing over the past years. Although VOC reduction and avoidance is of primary importance for environmental protection, there is a number of further reasons for UV-curing technology that can't be ignored any more by current and future industrial coating procedures, such as economy thanks to high production speeds, reduced curing times, reduced dusting, less rejects and immediate possibility of stacking. The units are compact compared to warm air dryers. Further economical advantages can be obtained from the saving of energy and raw material. As radiation directly acts on the coating, the substrate is not exposed to excessive heat. Even for thin layers first class quality and resistance is achieved thanks to a high cross linking degree. All current varnish application procedures like roller coating, curtain coating, dipping, spray coating and vacuumat coating are possible. An easy recuperation of unused coating materials is possible as they are only cured in the area of the radiation source. The vapor pressure of these materials is low even in case of temperature increase. An adjustment of
operating viscosity is possible by means of heated application systems. The necessity of adding
reactive thinners is reduced. Even with UV-radiation there is a possibility of polymenzing coatings with a calculated pigmentation by means of a lamp-chemistry coordination. As solvents are dropped an explosion protection is not required for the application of radiation-curable
oligomeres and monomeres. This has certainly a positive effect on the aspect of insurance.
Nowadays UV-curing with irradiation in oxygen-reduced atmosphere allows a considerable increase in production. Exposure in oxygen-reduced atmosphere offers the possibility of reducing the initiator proportion with a simultaneous increase of UV-light penetration depth into the coating. Less initiator and better curing mean less extractible substances. By means of a skillful lamp gas cooling cycle and by covering the object with nitrogen without any intermediate quartz screen, a compact and economical oxygen reduced operation of the curing unit is possible.
There is a broad application field of radiation curing. Flat substrates like raw plates, films, foils,
printed matters, decorative papers for furniture, floors, front walls and roof elements are coated and cured. Even three-dimensional applications are state of the art today. Edges, profiles with all-around curing, parts of furniture, window frames, chairs, pressure and burst protection for glass, glass fiber optics, glueing in electronics and assemblies are convincing proofs of this technology which confronts us most frequently in everyday life.

1999 Conference Uv-Applications In Europe Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow
Author: J. Jung | 4 pages

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