21 May 2003
Year: 2003
Price: 10.00

Radiation-curable coatings based on polyether, polyester, or urethane acrylates offer a wide range of properties. The mechanical hardness and the elasticity of UV-coatings depend on the chemical type of acrylate resin. Polyester acrylates combine good abrasion resistance with high toughness, whereas polyether or urethane acrylates provide flexibility and elasticity. UV-curable coatings with a high flexibility and abrasion-resistance are required for flooring applications. The mechanical properties of an UV-cured resin strongly depend on the effective chain length between crosslinks (Me) and also on its glass transition temperature 1]. Generally, the lower the crosslink density the more flexible the film is, i.e. the effective chain length is high. The highest flexibility is obtained with non-crosslinked coatings. UV-curable urethane acrylates have established as versatile raw material for coatings. The flexibility of a given urethane acrylate can be enhanced by increasing the linear molecular weight between crosslinks. The influence of the chemical composition and crosslinking density on the mechanical properties of UV-coatings based on urethane acrylates is presented in this paper.

2003 Conference UV-Curable Coatings With High Flexibility
Author: Y. Heischkel, R. Schwalm, M. Kutschera And K. Menzel | 10 pages

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