23 May 2003
Year: 2003
Price: 10.00

Demands on today's automotive clearcoats (CC) are magnifold. Customers would not only like best-inclass values in chemical resistance like etch but also best-in-class properties in scratch as well as perfect levelling and a huge application and window. The demands on process parameters are also high. Good sandability and polishability on one side and advances in environmental demands like solvent emissions and energy consumption, shorter bake time and lower bake temperatures on the other. In order to cope with these often conflicting demands (e.g.: scratch-resistance and sandability), the industry has developed and markets a huge variety of different Clearcoat systems. In general one can say, that the demand for better weathering results is satisfied with 2K CC's, the demand for best etch can be satisfied by IPDI based 2K's however at the cost of mar-resistance. Environmentally friendly systems are offered as waterborne-, powder or super high solid (shs) clearcoats.

2003 Conference UV-DualCure Systems for Automotive Applications
Author: Dr. T. Fey | 10 pages

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