22 May 2003
Year: 2003
Price: 10.00

UV flexo printing in the narrow web field has taken hold for many years, especially in label printing.
In wide web flexo printing UV is increasingly used on in-line presses, e. g. for liquid packaging and for the printing of aluminium foil. There are also UV installations on CI flexo presses whether for cardboard or for foils. Another application on these machines is UV coating of paper bags for example. The demand for UV curing under oxygen-reduced conditions is increasing since the content of photoinitiator can be reduced drastically. Thus odour can be reduced and the reactivity of the inks and lacquers raised which saves energy and entails a higher production speed.

2003 Conference UV Flexo Printing under Atmospheric and Oxygen-reduced Conditions
Author: R. Muller | 8 pages

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