3 May 1999
Year: 1999
Price: 10.00

Ever since the first industrial application of UV curable systems there has been the justified wish to be able to quantitively evaluate the production success, and thus the product quality achieved, in real time during or immediately after termination of the production process. However, quantitative
measuring of the degree of curability still involves cost and time intensive measuring processes, such as FTIR-spectroscopy, which scarely permit this evaluation during production. In order to nevertheless achieve a high degree of production safety and quality comparatively simply and cost efficiently, the process stability must be constantly checked. An important aid in UV applications is the control of the UV output of an irradiation unit. This at least ensures both the UV irradiance and irradiation, commonly referred to as dose, necessary for the initiation and maintenance of a photochemical reaction.

1999 Conference Uv Monitoring – Why And How?
Author: A. Beying | 8 pages

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