15 May 2001
Year: 2001
Price: 10.00

Currently, regarding the coating of exterior automotive parts made of plastics, in Europe the UV technology plays an important role in the field of light systems. The curing of the scratch resistant coating of headlight lenses made of polycarbonate is concerned, as well as the cross linking of the primer coating of reflectors in BMC or thermaiplastic materials. Further fields of application are the curing of scratch resistant coating for vehicle side windows and rear windows of smaller model series, the pretreatment of polycarbonate parts with large surfaces with UV radiation for the printing with decorative subjects (cubic printing), and the curing of adhesive primers for polypropylene bumpers. The use of UV-curing primer - or rather sealer - for SMC parts is a common practice in the USA, however, in Europe this method is not yet usual. Within the foreseeable future, systems will be implemented for the scatch resistant coating of complete vehicle roofs and roof systems in plastics. For the use of UV-curing transparent paint, intensive planning is being done on exterior automotive parts with large surfaces. The declared reasons are the better scratch resistance and the more attractive surface of UV transparent paints. This presentation will give you a survey on the system technology for the scratch resistant coating of PC reflection lenses which has already been applied many times in practice, and it shows you a possible plant design for the coating of exterior automotive parts with UV-curing paints.

2001 Conference UV — Technology For Plastics Finishing Systems Status And Prospects
Author: Ing. U. Schmid | 6 pages

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