3 May 1997
Year: 1997
Price: 10.00

Ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) curable release coatings continue to grow
in popularity. Fueling this growth are many unique features including the ability to
be cured at, or slightly above, room temperature with no solvent emissions. Most
successful release coating formulations are based on silicone resins. Acrylate
functional silicones are readily cured by a free radical process (1). More recently,
epoxy functional silicones which are cured cationically (2) have been commercially
introduced. Cationically curable vinylether functional silicones are under active
development (3). In each of these systems, a reactive diluent is often desired to
improve performance and optimize physical properties, however, the choice of
monomer is severely limited by the poor compatibility of many commonly used
diluents with silicone fluids (4). Recently, Eckberg et al. has demonstrated that
certain vinylethers are effective reactive diluents for epoxy functional silicones (5).
In this study we will further develop this concept and expand it to include a wider
selection of vinylethers monomers, silicone resins, and photoinitiators.

1997 Conference Vinylethers As Reactive Diluents For Epoxy Silicone Release Coatings
Author: J.A. Dougherty and J. McKittrick | 9 pages

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